Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pumpkin Festival Booth

  Thanks to Pam Thor, we had a booth at the Milton Pumpkin Festival.  I won't lie to you, they were long days, but we got a lot of contacts from people visiting the booth.  Some visitors were from as far away as Texas!
  Pam is doing a presentation for our January meeting on how successful our adventure was by seeing how many contacts we each received to how many become our customers and how many workshops, classes etc. that we do because of this joint adventure.
                                                                  Here is our booth

  Pam (on right), demonstrating a page layout to Whitley, who is now interested in becoming a Close To My Heart Consultant!
  Since the Festival, I've already doubled in hits to my website!  Now I am planning a Christmas Card Workshop!
  This is the Kindle I have.