Well, I had to order a new Kindle from Amazon.It seems that my daughters cat jumped onto my Kindle and broke the screen. What a bummer. But, Amazon, truly the best, gave me an awesome deal. If I return my damaged Kindle, they'll debit my account with $75 towards a new Kindle! So, I got my new Kindle for only $70.98 that is with shipping and everything! How wonderful is that company? They even foot the cost of the return and shipped out my new Kindle before I even shipped them my old one. What company will do that for you? So, I am expecting it tomorrow! And I cannot wait for it to come so I can finish "Spider Bones" by Kathy Reichts. One of the good things I love about my Kindle is that you can "try" a book before you buy. You can download a sample and read a few chapters before they ask if you'd like to buy the book! Love that feature! Piece, Carolyn
I know...long time no blog! But just to show you I'm still here, this is the most recent Christmas Card I've made. Thank you to Gina K for the inspiration. If you look close, you'll see my boo boo with the Spellbinders Impressibilities die. I'm going to make another one using Cranberry embossing powder. I think using the powder will make it pop. Plus, putting the paper and die together correctly will be a vast improvement.
On a sad note, Jamie's ( my husband ) grandmother passed away yesterday afternoon. This photo is from 2002 and is a picture of Grandma and Grandpa ( passed ) and Jennifer's daughter Abbey ( Jen is Jamie's cousin). He will be leaving in the morning and flying out to WA for the funeral. She will be greatly missed. She made those that married into the family feel loved and cherished and she'll not be forgotten. Till we meet again...... Piece, Carolyn
Was not expecting this so soon......but look what came by Fed Ex today!!!! Jamie my DH bought it for me Sunday night. I've been wanting one and didn't know they came in pink for the Susan G Komen for breast cancer awareness! Love it! It came with 2 rolls of 36yds acid free/photo safe tape all for $24.95 not including shipping and handling. It was such a good deal and I couldn't pass it up. It was thru Framing Supplies.com if you choose to browse. Be sure to scroll down the page to see this gun!
Happy Scrapping,
Here is one of three Christmas cards I've been working on...you can't see them well but some of the accents are Opaques for the snow. The card is 4.75 X 3 and is so cute. I've always loved Snowmen so had to make a card. Hoping one or more will be a class so I'll be showing these at the Pumpkin Festival thanks to Pam Thor who arranged everything.
This next card reminds me of Christmas past. Kind of nostalgic. I colored him with our watercolor pencils and a blending pen. I am working on a two page layout to go with this guy and am using page 108 in our new Autumn/Winter Idea Book as my inspiration: the one with Nona Davenport's Children. I am lacking a few things to finish it though....the October "Share the Magic" SOM and the Color Ready Alphabets Bold...I have the Color Ready Oxford Caps. Figures. Lol.
This last guy I made using Emboss Resist and thought he'd turn out a little better. I used the music note paper from our paper pack "Mistletoe", but the Santa is not "Chunky" enough and instead of Cocoa ink, I should've used Chocolate ink. I used "Nestabilities" for the Ovals. Well, I guess that's all for now, Piece, Carolyn
Didn't really want to, but I added "Journal" to the text area. I thought maybe she'd ( the recipient ) may want to use it for her home business but it looked stupid without a title and my husband said it looked bland so I added a flourish and flower. He's usually right, but don't tell him I said so.
Made these cute Mini Post It Note Holders thanks to Bobie . I just watched her again on Tresa Black's ustream channel last night. Her special hour on Saturday August 28th for the Creative University Show had technical difficulties. I think Bobie calls them "Sticky Note Holders" though. Her tutorial is awesome and I am looking forward to making more for stocking stuffer s among other things. The one on the left goes with the Journal for Karen. I guess that is all for now. Piece, Carolyn